Friday, April 15, 2011

it's been a day

so i finally got off my ass and uploaded my first pattern onto rav this morning...i'm published, yay! but damn, it's so not an easy process, at least not the first time that is.

i finished Blossom today...well she has been finished for a day or two, but i put on her flowers & beads. she's adorable, i love her =) i also get to cross her off my 11 owl patterns in '11 list. (which reminds me i need to put those lists in here someday)

i started Sourpatch this evening...i fucking hate seed stitch in this quantity! the pattern doesn't match up with the kfb's so i put it down for the night, will frog it in the morning and try it again. i'm tempted to make the seed stitch part just garter, maybe that will make it easier for me. jesus, babygirls' birthday is so close. 8 years old. it's all a blur.

i'm gonna go smoke, maybe put on a movie and pass out. hopefully i don't go to sleep feeling as grumpy as i do right now. going to sleep in a shitty mood usually means waking up with a headache that lasts all fucking day.

think good thoughts Heather.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the last few days, 2 things have really bothered me.

as babygirl and i were walking to park pantry to pick up dinner last night, i saw this guy do a drug deal in the park. on our way back home, the same guy was shooting up in the park. i've seen *ALL* kinds of shit being done in that park over the years, but this really fucking bothered me. because i had babygirl with me? because i had truly thought that type of shit didn't happen there anymore?

and this afternoon...i was happily knitting away on my magic treeptop bag, being covered in mohair sheddings, and snap! my fucking circ broke! not only did it break, but when it did, a LOT of stitches got screwed up. so tomorrow i have to get new circs *AND* start over....i better like this bag lol.

so yeah, those are the funkies.

i do believe we are getting a Wii tomorrow along with the Mario 25th Anniversary game, old skool Mario 1-3 hehehehehehehehe.

the auctions have been going pretty good once they get up.

oh my sweet mary jane, i'm so glad you are back in my life, how i've missed you =)